The last starring work before becoming the Governor of California, Schwarzenegger returned to his iconic film role for a record $30 million payday, though without franchise director/writer James Cameron. However, veteran hired-gun director Johnathan Mostow, who's always seemed like a decent guy and has done some decent pictures (i.e. U-571) does the best that he could with a $200 million, and without unfortunately Cameron's superior talents.

Neverless, Mostow should at least be applauded for at least including an ending that for such an expensive summer blockbuster tentpole picture, its actually.....shocking, and the fact that its a kick to the nuts after we're led to believe in a down-to-the-last-second climax.

I'm working on a new column series that tackles popular film franchises, and basically its like a mega-size edition of my regular film columns....so yes, expect chapters for STAR WARS, THE TERMINATOR, DIRTY HARRY, the BOURNE movies, and of course...........duh duh DUM DUM! James Bond.

Anyway, I'll try to include more detailed thoughts of what works in T3...and especially what doesn't.