Yellow Submarine (1968) - ****
Director: George Dunning
The Fab Four climb aboard a magical submarine with a canary-yellow paintjob to save Pepperland and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band from the Blue Meanies in this animated musical.
As a huge Beatles fan, I wasn't actually expecting this to be a move I would give four stars to, but more so something along two or three stars that would just be a good (not great) and entertaining film, that would hold my interest as a Beatles fan. I knew I would enjoy it, but this film is not only a master-work milestone for animated films and rock-opera's, but for cinema in general. I totally enjoyed this, and I think anyone could get into this film regardless of musical taste or age. I could even see my seven year old sister with little knowledge or interest for The Beatles enjoying this cartoon, simply for the adventure and spectacle of it. The cinematography is excellent, and each cartoon-Beatle seemed to reflect the personality and movements of his real-life rock-star counterpart. The soundtrack is great, and includes many of my favorite Beatle songs. Throw in a cameo appearance from Sgt. Pepper's and his back-up band, and what more could you ask for? I will be re-viewing this at least twice this week.

Helter Skelter (2004) - ***
Director: John Gray
Helter Skelter follows the events and murders, and eventually, trial of Charlies Manson and his "family" of pseudo-hippies that took place in 1969.
I went to the video-rental store looking for the original 1976 version of Helter Skelter. Unfortunately, it had either been rented out, or they just didn't have it when I got there, so I let the 2004 remake suffice for now. I've heard this isn't nearly as good as the original, and I can see that. But non-comparitively, this was a good film. Not great, but good and entertaining. The performances are all great, although there are a few directorial choices I disagreed with... I was a bit disspointed with the soundtrack, seeing as the original was done by The Beatles (this remake included Helter Skelter in maybe three places, although I don't think it was ever played in its entirity, and--although I can't be certain yet--it sounded as if it were an extremely similar re-recording done by someone other than McCartney). Over-all, it was an entertaining viewing I enjoyed... Although I'd still like to see the original.

"Somebody told me when the bomb hits, everybody in a two mile radius will be instantly sublimated, but if you lay face down on the ground for some time, avoiding the residual ripples of heat, you might survive, permanently fucked up and twisted like you're always underwater refracted. But if you do go gas, there's nothing you can do if the air that was once you is mingled and mashed with the kicked up molecules of the enemy's former body. Big-kid-tested, motherf--ker approved."