Originally Posted By: jace
Originally Posted By: RollinBones
Originally Posted By: jace
Originally Posted By: Aces
Alite is a liar and he knows that is not the meaning of a dry snitch.
Gotti was not a dry snitch , not even close.
Alite seems to have a strategy of calling everyone a rat just so his decsion to become a Rat blends in and he doesnt stick out as a rat.

Exactly dead on true about Alite. Greg Scarpa was a dry rat/snitch. So was Whitey Bulger. A dry rat is an informant who is not exposed as one in return for being allowed to keep operating freely while staying out of prison. These other explanations such as talking in a club or being heard saying something ona wiretap have nothing to do with the definition of a dry snitch.

That's not what it means, that's just an informant period. PetroPirelli was right in the beginning of this thread. Some of you guys really got no clue what you're talking about and shouldn't try and pass shit off like you do. Whitey and Greg Scarpa weren't "dry snitches" they were just straight up informants.

Say guy 1 & 2 do a crime and guy 3 knows about it and says "well, guy 1 and guy 2 were there but i know for sure guy 1 didn't do it" he's obviously inferring that guy 2 did it. that's a dry snitch, when you don't come right out and say it explicitly.

Informant is a formal official term. Dry snitch is urban slang. There is no official meaning for a dry snitch that anyone can point to as the only thing it means. I see it as a Scarpa or Bulger, you see it different.

there is absolutely an official meaning, i just told it to you and you're choosing to ignore it. scarpa and bulger were straight up rats, snitches, stool pigeons, whatever formal or informal term you wanna use. it's not the same as dry snitching, and there's no 2 ways about it. i don't understand why some people want to refuse knowledge when it's right there in front of you. but if you wanna continue sounding ridiculous, be my guest.