My daughter lives in New Jersey she thinks she is going to get burned. I told her stop complaining she will get more money up front don’t spend it save it. But I know that will never happen. I told her if you lose money I will make up the difference. She know I support trump and she hates him why?

She lives with her boy friend and her daughter. Between the two of them they made apx 850 thousand last year. She is like the old women during the depression who cried with a loaf of bread under her arm. Her company even pays for her tolls and gas.

Before she sold her house in Belle Harbor she lived 40 yards from the beach. When she bought it she told me she will not need to go away on vacation twice a year. Most of the time she travels to Europe. My grand daughter Mia has been to England, Italy, Germany, France, Mexico. I never left more then two blocks of where I lived as a kid.

only the unloved hate