One of the things my youngest does is work on construction. It easy to get hurt so you have to concentrate on what your doing when your working up high. No one got him in he did it himself.

He went for years trying to find himself. When they get hurt they is normal. He studied Brazilian Jujitsu. In a great school in Manhattan got his black belt. Then began to teach in that school. Then moved on to teach in other schools in Manhattan. Then met a student who he married a doctor.

Then he decided to work outside when he was not teaching. That was when he liked team work not sports.

So I don’t have to worry about him doing well anymore. He loves teaching BJJ and construction work.

It not easy work but he doesn’t mind doing it. I could never do what he does. I am very proud of him. He is no pussy that is for sure. My other kids do office work and they are all successful. But Chris is a special guy.

Plus he actually calls me to ask how am I and my wife are doing. The rest seem to be too busy with their own lives to do that.

only the unloved hate