Ya, Fincher rocks. Now if he would just make another damn movie, I would be groovy. I mean, who does he think he is, James Cameron?!?

SEVEN - Masterpiece - *****

Influential, for better or for worse(note all the lousy serial killer flicks that have flooded the market over the years. Though I guess keeping Ashley Judd working isn't so bad) masterpiece that along with SILENCE OF THE LAMBS helped to shape up modern thoughts on human-based "evil" in horror cinema, at least in America. Superb work from Brad Pitt before he got preoccupied with being a movie star and Morgan Freeman, reliable as always. Check out the great cameo at the end.

THE GAME - ****

Entertaining paranoia/conspiracy/mystery in the tradition of Hitchcock, but only for the bigger and more expensive descendents of MTV. Speaking of which, what happened to Michael Douglas anyway?

FIGHT CLUB - ****1/2 (Check out my Review! )

A near-masterpiece of a motion picture where truely the cult novel from author Chuck Palahnuik is transfered onto a steroid-pumped roller coaster ride that also tries to be itself a meaningful film to Generation X(though Gen-Y seem to respond quite well to the movie too). Truely Pitt's last great movie as an actor it seems before he started being quite generic with later works(SPY GAME, OCEAN'S 11, you name it). Oh and did I forget Edward Norton? Funny that many people didn't realize that he came back into cinemas in 2005 in that of the small yet punchful role of the leper King of Jerusalem in Scott's much wrongly maligned KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

PANIC ROOM - **1/2

For a movie with thrilling direction and atmpospheric cinematography, the screenplay is shit. Really, Fincher turns what could have been an awful movie into just a mediocre forgettable picture. Now if Fincher would make another damn movie someday....

NOTE - Now why did I dare not mention ALIEN 3? Those that have seen it, well you all know why. (I.E. - It sucks)