Did you see trump negotiate with republican and democrats on immigration reform yesterday.

It seemed confusing but it wasn’t. First he knows democrats hate him. Also republicans believe since they got trump in their pocket they can hard bargain democrats.

So what does trump do he says he will stay out of the negotiations and will sign any bill both sides can agree on.

But he also said they need the wall and a stop to relative immigration.

Democrats asked for a clean bill for doca now and later will hammer out the details. They assumed he would say no to that and shut down the government then they can blame trump and the republicans now they can’t say that.

Trump will let the doca people stay here now he said that during the campaign if they are not criminals they can stay.

So the democrats can’t use it against trump in 2020.

But if the wall is not given the okay before the 2018 election republican will hold both houses. Because the democrats will be seen as total obstructionists and liars.

Republican will get more money for defense and have the high ground.

Over all trump really understands how to get what he wants eventually without all the hate.

only the unloved hate