Originally Posted By: Flushing
First, you're on a mob history website which celebrates the lives
of older men with rather colorful life histories.


Do you think Lucky Luciano, Frank Costello , Meyer Lansky and co. were old men sitting on the couch whining about millennials when they took down Masseria, Maranzano, and created the mob? The shoes were on the opposite feet.

Something draws you to our little cult, though you say you have disdain for men over 40.

Information, mostly about west coast mobsters. Sure, I get a little bored and end up getting trolled into these petty threads, but I'm here for information. I'm not a wannabe wiseguy, like some in here.

Second, you don't get to decide for other people how they should live thier lives. That's facism, as you well know - since its one of the main themes of your disgusting leftist harem.

If I were a dictator, I'd only command that you read a book once a month.

Kmillenial groupthink is wrong and we are actually more interesting than your braindead digital herd.

...while you're using an app and web browser created by millennials. Carry on.

Your generation is a disease.

Not really. My generation is too small to be a disease. Baby Boomers are the disease. They blame millennials for the country's downfall when their benefits are bankrupting the nation.

You are allergic to manual labor of any kind,

Well, no kidding. I'm allergic to all kinds of work. But I still do it. Grudgingly.


No. I live within my means. Was brought up that way.




Is this really a horrible thing?


Well, associates degree. I'm no Harvard grad, but I don't need help reading a newspaper.

aand now. Threaten the stability of the greates and most inclusive nation in the history of civilization.

You mean the one Trump is threatening to ruin, along with the rest of the world, with one push of a button?

And please stop taking our 'old' money for abortions,

I've never had an abortion. I've never even been pregnant. Probably because I'm a male. As far as abortion and the burden on the tax payer, however, which would be more costly in the long run, an abortion, or welfare services for the next 18 years?

useless government programs,

Well, useless programs are the ones you personally don't use, while useful ones are the ones you do use, right?

free college for liberal arts, etc.

College is free? I'm sure the millions of Americans buried in student debt wish they'd known that!

Last edited by OakAsFan; 01/07/18 10:15 AM.

"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea