* * *
3 Stars

Main Cast: Eric Bana, Daniel Craig, and Geoffery Rush

Summary: During the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, eleven Israeli athletes are taken hostage and murdered by a Palestinian terrorist group known as Black September. In retaliation, the Israeli government recruits a group of Mossad agents to track down and execute those responsible for the attack.

Review: I dont really have the time to post a full review for this film, but I'd like to get myself caught up for 2005. I saw this about a week ago, and basically just had nothing but negative feelings for it. The film had that sort of washed out color filter over the whole thing like some other movies that have recently come out, and that kind of diverted my attention.

The plot, as well, is fairly muddled and incoherent at times. An endless amount of contract killings (which I wasnt opposed to), mixed in with debate about Middle Eastern territorial rights and whatnot (which I was opposed to). I know this view probably makes me out to be another dumb american film watcher, just interested in the action, but hey, there it is. The hits themselves were shot well, but with a fairly predictable, kind of cute-sy Speilbergian touch here and there, which was annoying.

Any hopes I had of gaining respect for Speilberg with this film were dashed. Dissappointing.

Direction – 18/20
Acting – 17/20
Story – 12/15
Rewatchability – 9/15
Music – 8/10
Depth – 10/10
Cinematography – 3/5
Supporting Cast – 4/5
TOTAL = 71%

71% = 3/5 Stars

Best Quote: "Every civilization finds it necessary to negotiate compromises with its own values."

I dream in widescreen.