My son is on social media. I am not any way he just mentioned that he voted for trump. More then half of the people at least took him off their Facebook list.

My oldest son is one of the best people I know. He is by far a better person then I am. A lot of people felt that way until they heard who he voted for. When he told me that I said two words Fuck Them. But it still bothered him.

I have few friends most of my friends were people I knew when I was a kid. Most are dead now. That’s what happens when you get old. Plus I don’t look at Death the way most people do any way. My soccer people are just acquaintances not friends.

My wife has a lot of friends. That she has some from grammar school, high school and her business life. She has a ton of friends. Some people have a lot of friends. I never had that

only the unloved hate