Originally Posted By: Aces
Im starting to wonder if you are some white liberal masquerading as a black guy on the net.
Anyway, if a black kid works hard, waits until he is married and somewhat stable to have a baby( after 25 years old), he will be successful. Pretty simple.
If he doesnt work hard, has a baby at a young age, guess what?? He will be poor. I guess he can blame racism for that.

Yes, I'm Black.
You place too much value in this ideal concept. Blacks just like every other community isn't nor every was monolithic. You can't possibly believe that everybody is going to go about life the same way following that general path. You ignoring individuality,personal situations, and external factors that shape every community. So please stop reiterating that nonsense as it's a failure 100%.

P.S: Im one of those 70% born out wedlock.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb