1) start a thread? I'm paraphrasing you but - We aren't aware of other movements because the mainstream media ignore them until...some riot starts...I totally agree...
2) stats that don't go away sometimes are correct?
3) Embarrassing riots and actions will always grab headlines. Again, it's not just a black thing (remember the gangs of white nationalist idiots with their torches?) but the msm will always prefer to report on a negative story, that's what sells unfortunately. I know the movement is fluid and doesn't have any governing body and I know hundreds of protests go ahead peacefully every year. But when there's potential for entire towns to burn and hundreds of people murdered, then cops get the blame, that will attract media attention and damage reputations.
4) I'm not entirely convinced with this stat. Your saying that black gangs are responsible for around 1 in 18 murders in black communities? (That's also ignoring the deaths they cause through other illegal activities). In any case, the reasoning behind the point is that BLM focus FAR more on the Police being an external negative force, rather than gang culture
5). Banks are there for profit, they assess risk and would take anyone's money...it's not entirely justified to say they charge higher rates simply because of a persons skin color...household income/makeup and levels of down-payments are taken into account and the decision is then often easily conflated with racism (and we're 10 years past sub-prime lending) I would prefer you focussed more on ways to solve the reasons for refusal than just simply the outcome. Are you saying there are black and Latino millionaire businessmen paying higher interest rates than their other race counterparts? And, why just mention black and Latinos if banks are inherently racist? Why not Chinese? Or Indian? Or Polish? Etc etc. It's because risk is assessed, not simply because there's an ongoing racist agenda.
6. Point taken