Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Check out all of the mafia fanboys on youtube. Their only interest in the mob is the race angle, that the mob had "class" while the "gang bangers sag their pants and talk like 10 year olds", etc.

The mob dressed classy back in the day because everyone did, including poor people of all races. Everyone wore suits in the 1940s. lol.

This is really it in a nutshell. Guys get their little superiority fix by somehow believing criminals that look more like them are superior to darker skinned ones. Strange thing to feel comfort in but hey, get your kicks where you can.

Guys in here posting population stats but when it comes to the big picture that has little to do with it. But I see from this thread and others a lot of people don't really want to understand, they want things to fit the views they already have.

I think this is even more true with a lot of our European posters. No offense to you guys, but some of you sound fuckin ridiculous and have no clue what you're talking about. Crime and gangs in America are only concepts to you guys, you don't understand the reality and it looks like you don't make much of an effort to. I see the same things when guys from Europe wonder why there aren't any viable mob families in towns like Kansas City or on the West Coast and guys come up with ridiculous theories about how those families could become viable again. Some of you are truly detached from reality, so it's disappointing to see you guys not soak up the game that's given to you on this site from people that really know what they're talking about. Anyway, back to more of the usual..