Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
"The. Other. Side."

That's not a "view". Those are words of war.

FoxNews was designed to attack progressive politics. To discredit them, to isolate it's outspoken supporters, and to intimidate others from sharing such views. None of the other networks were designed this way They're all subsidiaries of entertainment corporations. Murdoch just dumped off his entertainment assets to shore up the war chest for his political propaganda. With Republicans in control of government, FoxNews is essentially state television. Like North Korea.

"The other side".... Maybe Roger Ailes was on to something:
- When you see the previous administration give away 20% of its uranium to Russia
-allowed ISIS to establish a caliphate.
-Give money to the the Iranian mullahs so that they can continue terror in the middle east.
-giving ammunition to the Mexican cartels
- spy on the opposition party

These are only but a few examples of "the other side's" behavior.