@MightyDR I think that the heat went lower from 1971 until the end of decade, since they were somehow stabilized in both hierarchial and financial meaning, but at the same time that same decade was the most murderous one with over 80 murders (EDITED)

@blueracing347 yeah Alex was probably the first top guy to die in prison

@OakAsFan yes I forgot to mention that was Louis Dragna but why its worth nothing? And still, I dont see how Cohen outlasted Giancana, except if you are talking about regarding he living a year more than Giancana. But if you look at the situation on who was active longer, well Giancana was still quite deeply involved in the illegal stuff and had a lot of cash at least until 1973, while Cohen spent almost the whole 1960's in and out of jail and was released in 1972 and never made a dime during that period and came out as retired legend

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good