Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Judging by the fbi crime victimization report on interracial crime, racism does exist but it vastly disportionate black on white. But keep talking about old stone figures, ta nashes black bodies postmodernism or microagressions while blacks continue to commit violent crime at thirteen times the white rate against real people every single day in every single city in the country. Literally every day we get a new knockout game or black mob violence video of abject cruelty. The trolls online can never find counterexamples of whites or Asians or whatever doing anything similar back. But I'm sure that white people's fault, or they deserve the overwhelming violence committed against them.


So your going to overlook the victimization rate of Whites at the hand of other Whites which is significantly higher than the crossover of different ethnicities? Yes or No? And Why?

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb