Well, I'm right, obviously, and here's why.....

Black people are being conned by the Black Lives Matters movement, just because its basically just a small, vocal section of the black community, propped up and bankrolled by malicious, white billionaires (33m from George Soros), and elevated by a disingenuous press - the specific purpose of the donations is to push forward identity politics and racial division.

BLM wishes to be a civil rights movement but it's essentially nothing more than a white hate group. It does nothing to help the black community or black lives. We all know that the only real malicious, violent force that kills black people in America is something communities have to deal with every day walking down the street....black gangs. Just for quoting these next figures, I'll bet I'll be called either a racist outright or something close - and I'm neither...the numbers are indisputable..

1) Between 1980 -2008, blacks made up 52.5% of homicide offenders, despite making up 12.2% of the population

2) The same survey found that 93% of black homicide victims were caused by other black people. BLM focus exclusively on deathes caused by the Police, however, these are far outnumbered by the deaths caused by other black people

3). In 2014, there were 238 black deaths caused by the Police, but in the same year there were 6095 black victims of homicide ...more homicide victims than any other race, and Virtually every one died at that hands of other black people.

This dramatic gap raises the obvious question why BLM focuses exclusively on the Police and so called white racism-its easy to avoid responsibility if you find a bogey man to lump the blame on - that's Leftism in a nutshell though, blame other people for your own problems.

BLM go further though, and, because of their actions, Police had to reduce their patrols and lessened their stop and searches from some towns and cities (Ferguson as an example)...what happened? The places were burned and looted and more black people died:-

In 2015, after BLM rioted in Baltimore, the city suffered its deadliest year in history, with 344 homicides in that year (238 black deaths by Police Officers across the entire country the year before), Baltimore surpassed that by 106.....

Use your Common Fucking Sense!!!!

Now, to end this, I would say that the Police do disproportionately affect black people. Black people make up around 26% of Police shootings, despite being around 13% of the population. However, according to BOJ stats, blacks were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of all murders and 45% of all assaults in the 75 largest counties in 2009...even although they made up 15% of the population in those counties.

It's really no surprise then that blacks make up 26% of Police shootings. Even more, it's hardly ever white officers that do the shooting. A March 2015 report on the Phillly Police Dept found that Black and Hispanic Officers were far more likely to shoot Blacks based on "threat misperception". (There's other similar reports from the NYPD if you'd like me to quote them)

(Every single stat I've quoted here can be backed up...just ask)

I say all the above but I totally acknowledge the difficulties any ordinary black guy/woman encounters on a daily basis and are still largely treated along the lines of 2nd class citizens - which is an outrage. Schools are still largely segrated, black students still overwhelming go to schools in lower class neighbourhoods, class sizes are large and teaching is poor. Gangs prey on youngsters, especially if they seem bright. But, where are the father figures for black youngsters who might act as a role model to keep them away from that shit? 70% of black youngsters grow up without 2 stable parents....an absolute disaster. However, I also acknowledge the "war on drugs" needlessly put generations of young black guys in jail and took away basically a whole generation of potential.

As a side, what really pisses me off as well is this sliding scale of "being offended" and the importance "society" tags you with...all people/labels women, blacks, Jews, muslims, gays, etc etc...Its nothing about that, it's about everybody just acknowledging and appreciating peoples differences...you can be a hero or an asshole whether your any of the above.....that's why we go on holiday to other countries etc.

That's exactly what the "American Dream" was founded on..but the extreme left is destroying it every day....