Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
FoxNews is the highest rated cable news network, and they are an admitted propaganda outlet. Can't blame the other networks for following the leader.

I think the others can definitely be blamed. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I used to rely on CNN (about 30 years ago), but now I am skeptical about pretty much everything they say about Trump. I don't know if they tell outright lies, but they seem to be more than happy to promote an anti-Trump agenda. During the election (I know this is anecdotal) CNN was running about 3 neutral or positive stories about Clinton and 3 negative stories about Trump per day. They could have at least done a better job pretending to be objective.

I first noticed the bias on NPR right after the election. There was a report about the New Orleans crime rate. The report started with something like this (quoted text is how I remember it, the gist is correct even if the words are not exact): "The New Orleans crime rate is increasing. Contrary to what Trump said, its not the worst that it has ever been, but it is getting worse." Adding "Contrary to what Trump said" added nothing to the story. It was just a contribution to the Democratic candidate for 2020.

I don't look at Fox news as an example of unbiased news. I used to watch it but I have not seen it regularly for years. In any case, an executive having a political bias does not mean that the whole organization is biased. If that is the standard, then the text messages sent by Peter Strzok should be enough to implicate the entire group and not just Strzok.