Originally Posted By: RollinBones
I believe most, if not all, media outlets have some sort of bias, I'm not sure if there's a news station in the US that's truly non-partisan. I try to read different news angles to see how the different sides report on issues and see the story from all angles. That being said, Fox has always been the most biased news station and it's really not even close. CNN has its biases as well, especially since the recent election, but I feel like if you can't see the bias in one or either you're probably stuck in your own echo chamber, which is a problem I see more and more each day unfortunately. Nobody wants to understand the other side or even try, it's all extreme, blind partisanship and IMO that's disappointing since we're all supposed to be on the same side.

I agree that that all networks are biased to a certain degree. But to say that FOX is the most biased is completely false. In a previous thread I mentioned people on FOX that are pro-Trump,and many others that are negative to Trump. FOX does hire democrats such as Chris Wallace, Shepard Smith, Geraldo Rivera, Marie Harf,Jaun Williams and more. So I do not understand how you would make such a statement.