Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
lol. You guys are calling CNN biased for reporting on all of the shady things surrounding Trump. What should they do, not report on it? This is more of the fascism coming from the Trump side. Silencing the media. Looks like we're already taking cues from Putin.

Just look at the history of FoxNews, its ownership. Roger Ailes, former CEO/pervert who dropped dead earlier this year admitted Fox was republican propaganda. He referred to Democrats as "The other side". Name one CNN or MSNBC shareholder/exec who actually referred to any political party as "the other side". I'll wait.

Roger Ailes was a republican but if you recall Trump & Roger Ailes were feuding.Fox news had set a trap for Trump in the first debate. Roger Ailes was in bed with the never Trump republicans. You seem to forget, that Roger Ailes was backing Megan Kelly(a Trump hater).CNN/MSNBC went much further than referring to any political party as "the other side". They are in bed with the democrats and donate lots of money to the DNC. Once again you have your facts wrong.