I'm calling CNN biased because of pretty much everything I see on CNN. I typically read it only once a day. Maybe that's not enough to get the whole picture, but I would be surprised if I just happen to stumble across that same exact situation. When I see it on TV (very rarely now), it seems to almost always (probably 9 times out of 10) be a group of people criticizing Trump. I guess there is nothing else newsworthy.

In the example I gave originally, "America rescued her from Haiti. Now Trump wants to send her back.", the implication is that we, as a country, came together to rescue this girl, and now Trump wants to send her, specifically, back. This is the first I have ever heard of the girl, and I suspect its the first time that almost anybody, including Trump, has heard of her.

The headline is deliberately incendiary to get people angry at Trump. That's not objective journalism. That is a a clear example of bias.

You may have overlooked my original post where I said that Fox is biased too. I'm not defending Fox. Regarding executives or shareholders who referred to any political party as "the other side", I am not aware of any, but I think the headlines are sufficient evidence of bias.