Also @Stubbs

You are spot on, in that the TIMELINES for all this stuff has to be really considered, also understanding that all this stuff is connected, from South America, to Sicily, to NYC, to Canada.

Like you point out, Rinna had wiped out the Gambino Palermo faction by 83, Iron Tower happens in 84, Castellano gets hit in 85, I think John Gambino and Frank Gambino gets locked up in what, 88-89-90? Rosario was deported I think.... So they were really under siege from all sides for awhile there......

But once Riina finally was taken off the streets, how would Palermo and Sicily eat again? The drug trade. What do they need to make it work? Access To NYC. What family is connected at all point in between, Sicily, NYC, and South America? The Gambinos.