Originally Posted By: Ciment
Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
Actually, one more point, even Sciascia confounds me.

Was he killed cause he hit Cotronis son?

Did he offend Massino or Gotti?

Was he Vito's man in NY, or NYs man in Montreal?

Yet he clearly seemed to disrespect the chain of command in NY, I can't see him being " New Yorks" man.

@ Billy

I know you frequent the other forum, I know you saw the big thread on the Sicilian Gambinos.

There was lot on there on how John Gambino acted pretty autonomously, even though he was technically under the American structure. Also on how he was basically respected like a boss, not a soldier. It also said Cheech Gambino was on his way to being a mafia leader, but he wasn't even made in the American families I don't think. This was from informants in Italy. Lol, as I say that, it might be more of that geographical bias, but not in the case of Gambino, I don't think...

All these big mafia drug guys look the same to me. Very autonomous, very powerful, always connected to multiple families on both sides of the Atlantic.

Scascia did not have Cotroni's son killed.The killer Gerald Gallant confessed he was with Rock Machine, outlaw biker gang that were warring with the Hells Angels. Cotroni's son did business with the Hells.
With regards to Scascia, some say he had dual membership. He was a Bonanno made man but he also was a member of the Rizzuto Sicilian clan. If he were still alive, I believe his loyalty would be with the Rizzuto's.


A poster on another OC forum had requested and obtained an FBI file in which intelligence was gathered that offers another possible motive for Massino's having Sciascia killed. Although I believe the intelligence to be way off the mark, I present a summary of it here--not as fact, mind you, as neither did the aforementioned poster, who is a very reliable researcher.

According to the file, a nephew of Gerlando Sciascia had a physical altercation with one of Frank Cotroni Sr's sons. I am certain the former is Giuseppe "Joe" Renda and that the latter is Paolo "Paul" Cotroni. Apparently, Paul hit Renda in the face and did some damage, breaking Renda's jaw. Furthermore, according to the intelligence gathered, Sciascia retaliated by arranging to have Paul murdered. Further still, Massino felt he had no choice but to have Sciascia killed because Sciascia had not sought permission to kill the son of a made man, i.e., a son of Frank Cotroni Sr.; in particular, the file states that Massino had Sciascia killed because of pressure from Cotroni Sr. or Cotroni Sr.'s supporters, who wanted Massino to follow mob protocols.

The most serious flaw with the intelligence, of course, is that Joe Renda, born in New York, was a made Bonanno, whereas Paul Cotroni was not a made man (and quite frankly, had he lived, would never be made in his lifetime). This particular intelligence gathering is a perfect example of why law-enforcement intelligence can be very wrong. I would add that this type of intelligence is also wrong more often than we think.

Last edited by antimafia; 12/08/17 02:25 PM. Reason: Tightened up the writing.