The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Very good kids movie. One cannot help comparing this with LOTR, because of the fantasy Genre. But I didn't like LOTR at all, whereas this is kind of nice. This is becasue it does not pretend to cater to any audience other than kids. The animated lion and the cute girl(the youngest of the siblings) are the highlights of the movie. Cinematography and special effects are very good... It has to be, with Hollywood spending so much money on all these movies. But I am sure the are recovering all of it and making tons of profit, the theater I went to was fully packed and one could see long lines.

I thought the lion coming alive with the "sacrifice" formula rather than with the magic potion was a great piece of script writing. But my joy was short lived, the lion brings back Mr Tumness(sp?) and the commander to life by just blowing breath on them, proving it to be just another kids movie with a happy ending. But seriously, I shouldn't have expected some sad ending

The character development of the younger brother from an indifferent black sheep to a brave person is also neat.