Election (1999)

**** 1/2
4.5 Stars

Directed by: Alexander Payne
Main Cast: Matthew Broderick, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Klein
Nominated for 1 Oscar

Summary: Tracey Flick is running unopposed for this year's high school student council president election. But school civics teacher Jim McAllister has a different plan. Partly to establish a more democratic election, and partly to satisfy some deep personal anger towards Tracey, Jim talks popular varsity football player Paul Metzler to run for president as well.

Review: This is one of those movies that seems to get better everytime I see it. I originally wrote this one off in my adolescent mind as a slightly more mature high school comedy, but it is truly so much more, and I would really hope that others could get past this view.

A great study of not only American high schools, but also America itself and its ways. Beautifully directed by Alexander Payne, who later went onto fame with About Schmidt and Sideways, I still consider this his best work.

You can really see Payne showing not only his techincal prowess but also his creative genius. It was only this time around, probably my 9th or 10th viewing, that I noticed a similarity to Scorsese's style; multiple character narration, creative use of music, freeze frames, etc.

Payne just seems to do everything right here.

Direction – 20/20
Acting – 19/20
Story – 14/15
Rewatchability – 14/15
Music – 9/10
Depth – 5/10
Cinematography – 5/5
Supporting Cast – 5/5
TOTAL = 93%

93% = 4.5/5 Stars

Best Quote: "Larry, we're not electing the fucking Pope here. Just tell me who won."

I dream in widescreen.