Read some charts about todays mafia and found that most made guys are in their 60s to 80s, although I know these guys still can manage their businesses, how do mob maintain its position in the underworld like that? I mean, you need the capability of violence to protect your rackets from other criminals, and certain violence should be acted when necessary, like beating somebody up when he doesnt pay . Its just confusing for me that a powerful organized crime organization is full of old men and 40 seems to be a very young age among them.
I thought family need shooters and leg breakers to keep things going.
So, do they have a bunch of young associates whos willing to carry out violence for them in some beating or even murders?
Im also curious that whether it is always like this or in old days made men were younger? And what about Italy? In the Gomorrah show it seems Camorra members are pretty young, is that the case?