Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Can we, then, take from these examples an insight into your character? You like to talk, perhaps...?
Who, me?

I suppose it's fair to say that I have occasionally been accused of a somewhat florid style in my use of both the spoken and written word.

You promised me a review a while ago for some film or another, Mick. Was it Dial M?

That's my favorite Hitchcock, BTW. I like a great many of Alf's films, but strangely enough I'm not a big fan of some of his more critically acclaimed work, like Rear Window or Vertigo, for example.

And how is it that a film fan of your caliber has never seen Paths of Glory?

Quite frankly, you should be ashamed of yourself. :p

"Difficult....not impossible"