Too many to name from the GF Trilogy, but aside from that, these come to mind (in no particular order):

- The scene early in Mean Streets where Keitel and deNiro are in the back room discussing Johnny Boy's loan shark payments. Also, the fight in the pool room scene from the same film.

- Two scenes from Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing, one where Frank Vincent drives his cadillac convertible throught fire hydrant spray, and the other in which the characters of different races and nationalities spew all of the stereotypes about each other.

- The opening scene in Reservoir Dogs

- The scene in Paths of Glory when General Broulard and General Mireau have their first meeting.

- The penultimate scene in Inherit The Wind, when Spencer Tracy had Frederic March on the witness stand.

- The scene in Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder when Ray Milland (Tony Wendes) first meets with Charles Swann and draws him into the plot to murder his wife.

Hmmmm.... that's seven already

And....I also consider just about every scene in Raging Bull to be pretty close to perfection.

One day I'm gonna have to post my list of all-time favorite films, too.

"Difficult....not impossible"