Next door neighbor lent me "The Plumber"..that started the ball rolling,then he gave me "Blood & Honor" & I was hooked,that was it...but I mused at hearing my old man when I was a child talk about a man called Ange @ his union job @ Keebler cookies who my dad always liked,then as a late teen,while he was drinking a few Ortliebs, he hinted who this man was then told me to keep my mouth shut & go across the street & get a pizza w/ anchovies 4 him & whatever I wanted..I put 2@2 2gether in early 20s & figured I like this shit,it got even better but I cant get into that cause,whats the saying?,..2 protect the privacy of those still living..or some shit like that?,well & that's that.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...