Can anyone explain the ending of Bladerunner to me? The last 5 minutes or so of it left me completely lost... I have no clue what conclusion you're supposed to draw from it. Is she not gonna die? What did Olmos' character mean with what he said? And obviously he was at the apartment, he left the origami there... but why was he there? What happened? How did he know what he knew? I'm SO lost. :rolleyes:

All I know is, if L.A.'s gonna look like that in 13 years (2019), I better move now before it's too late. Or at least get one of those cool flying cars to be safe. :p

By the way, all of the buildings in the movie except for the big fake one are real landmark buildings in Los Angeles, pretty cool architecture. And I can safely say that that's the only thing I enjoyed about the entire movie...