Originally Posted By: ChiTown
lol Franken took responsibility and apologized instead of victimizing his accuser and calling her a liar - which Moore continues to not do. Franken also doesn't have a "Breitbart" behind him who like with Moore, sent reporters to uncover dirt about the women Moore creeped when they were teenagers. Apparently that's credible journalism to you lol.

But keep deflecting Comrade!

What a joke, left wing nuts say they take full responsibility and make a half ass apology and that makes it right. Those are just meaningless words. What about resigning or kicking him out of office.

What about senator Menendez,Epstein,Polanski having sex with minors, I don't see you calling them creeps. No,instead they the democrats glorify them, even giving stand ovation.
Look into to your backyard before you speak.
Furthermore, I did not start this stupidity you did. I don't defend creeps you do.