Originally posted by long_lost_corleone:
[quote]Originally posted by Irishman12:
[b] Citizen Kane [b]#1 on the AFI Top 100 List

Multimillionaire newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane dies alone in his extravagant mansion, Xanadu, speaking a single word: "Rosebud". In an attempt to figure out the meaning of this word, a reporter tracks down the people who worked and lived with Kane; they tell their stories in a series of flashbacks that reveal much about Kane's life but not enough to unlock the riddle of his dying breath.

I was quite disappointed with this movie. First let me start by saying that I did enjoy it and the end had a nice twist, but overall I was hoping to feel some greatness from this picture and I do feel some, but not as much as I thought or hoping I would. When you have a billing as the greatest movie ever made, you have to deliever. I personally enjoyed The Godfather more, but I did enjoy Citizen Kane more than Casablanca. The movie also seemed to move rather slow although it's only 2 hours long. However, I did absolutely love the directing! [/b]
My head just exploded. [/b][/quote]I like your av. Good to see I'm not the only Radiohead fan in here.

I dig farmers don't shoot me please!