Well, WALK THE LINE interests me to see later today or tomorrow for several reasons:

*As I detailed in my COP LAND review, Director James Mangold is mostly talented when it comes to his actors, and considering the many reviews I've read so far, that is the main highlight for WALK THE LINE.

*Jaoquin Phoenix, like his late brother River, has always been quite a talented actor. I mean, he friggin took a cardboard villain in GLADIATOR and made him tragic and sympathetic, yet still a bastard. Anyway, mostly like Jaoquin will get an Oscar nomination at least for Best Actor.

*The source material is worth working with. Quite unfortunate that the really cool story of Cash's last years couldn't be told, in how Nashville(the Hollywood of Country Music) kicked him out of town, and of which he then worked for an alternative music label, and was able to slowly revitalize himself and his legacy. Consider that one of his songs for that new label, which was played by many rock/contemporary stations at the time and made the sales charts...well, how many country music stations directly linked to Nashville played it at the time? ZERO.

*Besides, its country music before it went quite stupid with the cowboy hats, pyrotechnics, belt buckles, and other silly Texan stuff.

*The last major reason for which I've never related before, but I'm actually related to Cash. No really, apparently he is a distant relative far back in my family tree, as found a couple of summers ago. Real interesting to be linked somehow to a film biopic.