War of the Worlds ***

Ray Ferrier is a working class man living in New Jersey. He's estranged from his family, his life isn't in order, and he's too caught up with himself. But the unthinkable and, ultimately, the unexpected happens to him in an extraordinary sense. His small town life is shaken violently by the arrival of destructive intruders: Aliens which have come en masse to destroy Earth. As they plow through the country in a wave of mass destruction and violence, Ray must come to the defense of his children. As the world must fend for itself by a new and very advanced enemy not of this world, it's inhabitants must save humanity from a far greater force that threatens to destroy it.

A very good summer blockbuster with all the action needed for any action junky. Not Cruise's or Spielberg's best but the duo does work well together. The special effects in this movie were great and I also loved the mild humor this picture has to break the tension at times. Also a nice dark performance by Tim Robbins. Finally, little Dakota Fanning continues to impress me and I'm really enjoying her work. If she continues to go the way she has been going in recent memory (I Am Sam, Man on Fire), I don't see why this young lady can't win an Oscar some day.