The Graduate #7 on the AFI Top 100 List *** 1/2

Tired of being the golden boy for his parents friends, college track star Benjamin Braddock embarks upon an affair with the wife of his father's partner. Benjamin leads a frustrated life and often sees adults in a surreal way, so he hopes to relax and sow his wild oats as suggested by his mistresses husband, but is dismayed to find himself just another tool to ease middle-aged insecurity.

I had been wanting to see this movie for a long time and I'm glad I was pleased with it. Some great performances from Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, and Katharine Ross. I had seen most of the "recognizable" parts being spoofed in either The Simpsons or various movies. SPOILERS! I couldn't believe the ending. I was cracking up throughout it because Wayne's World 2 was an EXACT replica of it. I knew what was going to happen but it was still funny. I'm glad I got to see the original. END OF SPOILERS The Mrs. Robinson character I really liked. I thought she was more of a "villian" than Nurse Ratchet from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest