Originally Posted By: tocco686
There are quite a few younger guys coming up. Little Pete Tocco is not made yet, but has been a bookie for quite some time.

"Gotti" Tocco is another up and comer. I believe he is in his early 40's. He is Jack Giacalone's driver and has been seen a lot with him around town.

There are quite a few others. Like young guys budding up to the D'Annas.

As for power, I'm not going to exaggerate but they still have pull. Especially on the upper east side of macomb county. Alot of bookmaking and drugs. There are quite a few legitimate places connected to these guys like Restaurants, bars, etc. and you will always have younger guys trying to become "gangsters" because they think it's cool.

i thought little pete tocco and peter gotti tocco was the same guy. how many pete toccos are out there? theres also specs.