Originally posted by Daigo Mick Friend:
The real question now is, In what order will you introduce these films to your children?
I've watched the movies in order. I finally watched the episodes IV, V and VI last night and now I feel really sleepy to be working.

But you had an interesting question as to how introduce this movie to our children. As someone who has watched the movies in order, I can tell you that the old trilogy didn't stand up to my expectations of what I had heard. Don't get me wrong, they were great for their time, but the thing is, I hadn't watched the old trilogy then, when it was a revolution in CGI movies. The new trilogy has better visuals in my opinion while others might think it is overdone. The story is almost finished when you watch the third episode, there are no surprises to come, which could be true the other way around if you first watch the old trilogy as well.

There is just one big difference in these two trilogies' storyline and I believe what makes the new one more interesting to me, is that the new one is not the cliché of good winning over evil. The story is even more touching to see how someone with the intention of saving loved ones and order can be trapped in the dark side, how a democracy is lost through blind following with no thinking and how dark side can cloud your judgment. These are the values that touched me even more than CGI and why I love the Revenge of the Sith the most. So this is my score-card, of maximum 5 stars:

1-Revenge of the Sith *****
2-Return of the Jedi, Empire Strikes Back both equally ****
3-Phantom Menace ***

4-A New Hope **

5-Attack of the Clones *

As to how introduce the movie to my children, I would start with Episode IV, because I think it is disappointing to see the old ones after watching new ones. As I said the new trilogy has better visuals and more elevated story, so the old one wouldn't look as great to them, just like what I felt. They might not enjoy the new trilogy as much as I did, but I think they enjoy the 3rd episode and appreciate it anyway when they get older.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones