I recently saw "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" and "The Weather Man."

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, from the director of the Lethal Weapon series, was a fast paced, moderately funny, somewhat strange attempt at a sort of modern day action movie. A little bit more vulgar, a bit more graphic maybe. Robert Downey Jr was average, Val Kilmer was good as a gay detective.

This movie was strange in the fact that it took me a half an hour to figure out exactly what type of movie it was going to be, if you know what Im saying. Overall, kind of average, and it was bothersome that there didnt seem to be a single shot that held for more then 5 seconds.

The Weather Man, on the other hand, I thought was fantastic. Again, I went in not really knowing what type of movie to expect, but I was happily surprised once I figured out it was going to be as deep as it was. I guess I could compare this to American Beauty, although it doesnt quite get as far as that film did.

Another good Nicholas Cage performance. Ive been doing a lot of Cage movies lately; Bringing Out the Dead, Lord of War, this, etc. Im eager to see Leaving Las Vegas, which seems to be considered his best.

Good performances by all the supporting cast as well, Michael Caine, Hope Davis, and I was happy to see Michael "Jackie Aprile" Rispoli here, sans his Jersey accent. Im thinking Ill like this more and more with each rewatch, so Im looking forward to its DVD release.

Kind of surprised this didnt get more press upon its release, or maybe I just missed it. Anyway, go see it.

I dream in widescreen.