The Birds **

Spoilt socialite and notorious practical joker Melanie Daniels is shopping in a San Francisco pet store when she meets Mitch Brenner. Mitch is looking to buy a pair of love birds for his young sister's birthday; he recognises Melanie but pretends to mistake her for an assistant. She decides to get her own back by buying the birds and driving up to the quiet coastal town of Bodega Bay, where Mitch spends his weekends with his sister and mother. Shortly after she arrives, Melanie is attacked by a gull, but this is just the start of a series of attacks by an increasing number of birds.

I was disappointed with this film. After watching Psycho recently I was hoping for another great Hitchcock film, but failed to get it. The effects weren't the problem as I looked past them but it was just the story in general. I felt it sounded interesting moreso than it was and it seemed to move a little slower too while something like Psycho kept you on the edge of your seat throughout the picture. On a side not, very good performances by both Tippi Hedren & Rod Taylor