Pino Scaduto may be related to Antonino (Nino) Bartolomeo Scaduto--the father of Pietro and Salvatore Scaduto (the two brothers)--but there doesn't seem to be any corroboration on the Net.

Sergio Flamia confessed he was involved in approximately 40 murders. For many years it was theorized he had been inolved in the murder of the Scaduto brothers' father, and Flamia seemed to confirm this during his confessions. The father was nicknamed Ninu u carabinieri--if he is related to Pino, this nickname is an interesting coincidence because Pino ordered his son to kill his sibling for the sin of her dating an actual carabiniere.

Flamia appears to have been taking orders from Pino Scaduto. Flamia also had a long history of tensions with Pietro and Salvatore Scaduto, probably the result of the Scaduto brothers' suspicion or knowledge that Flamia was their father's killer.