The media tries to make it sound like Trump said " fuck those carpenters, lets not pay them and keep the money for ourselves". Im sure there is much more to the story, give me a break.
I get the feeling people will say Trump is a house of cards up until the day of his last day in office when his secon tem is up in 2024.
This guy will get some tax reform done and he will modify or even repeal obama care. I love the idea of him signing an executive order that enables small business to form associations and purchase insurance in bulk and go across state lines. Thats a great thing.
I care about someone who gets things done. The old adage, show me the money..
Fuck this shit about not acting presidential.
Obama was a great speaker, a statesman.. so fucking what !!!! He didnt do anything except divide the county and create an environment for all these bullshit protesting.

Last edited by Aces; 10/28/17 11:55 AM.