Amputee, The
1974, Lynch, US
1st and 2nd times
A legless woman sits and writes an incoherent letter while a doctor struggles to bandage up her stumps.
A five-minute Lynch short which must be admired for simultaneously sucking you into this puzzle while also repelling you with the sight (and sound) of the doctor going to work with the stump. One almost forgets the main character is talking, but all the while her words, which mean nothing, register on an unconscious level and keep you watching.

2002, Lynch, US
1st time
Three rabbits in human form, seemingly caught in some kind of time warp, ponder time, existence and their being.
An absurd film told in eight mini-episodes; delivered in the style of a sitcom, it challenges audiences' expectations, takes relish in breaking conventions, and is disturbing in its matter-of-fact standing. There's no other film quite like it.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?