Originally Posted By: Malandrino
Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
Raffaele Cutolo aka The Professor because wear glasses and was very smart for a camorrista;
Pasquale Barra aka the Animal because when killed Turatello in 1981 stabbed him and bit his heart and his stomach;
Paolo DiLauro aka the milionaire because during a poker game accidently open a bag with so cash that the others said "Who we have Ciruzzo the milionaire";
Giovanni Brusca aka the scannacristiani aka the thepeopleslaughter because killed more 200 people or the verru aka the pork for his face;
Totò Riina aka Totò o curtu (small) because was at least 1.60 m;

Furio, I really really enjoy reading about the NCO and Cutolo, those guys were insane! Especially Cutolo.


Antonio Sibilia, was the president of the Avellino soccer team. A 60-year-old, a successful builder, folklorist, as many of the top sports executives of the 1980s. Still in trouble when it comes to using the Italian language, but able to set up competitive teams.

One day, the October 31, 1980, Sibilia went to take Juary,the avellino bestplayer and brings him to Naples where he is celebrating the hearing of a trial that sees among the accused Raffaele Cutolo, the boss of the NCO, at that time the largest criminal organization in the area. Once in the classroom,
under the incredulous eyes of journalists, police and magistrates, Sibilia approaches the cage in which "o professor" is locked.
He greets him with three kisses on his cheeks, and exchanges with him a couple of friendly chats. Then he gives way to Juary, his pupil, who approaches the bars and gives Cutolo a package. Inside there is a 70 gram gold medal; on one face is depicted the head of a wolf, symbol of avellino society, and on the other there is a dedication:

"To Don Raffaele Cutolo, with esteem".

Before leaving the classroom, Sibilia finds time to explain the gesture to the press. "Nothing odd - says - Cutolo is a super fan of the Avellino; the gift of the medal is not my initiative, it is a decision taken by the board of directors.

The truth was that Luigi Necco a tv jornalist spoken of the ties between Cutolo and Sibilia that dreamed to become the NCO capo in the Avellino zone and went to Cutolo asking to fix Necco.
To answer Sibilia's request, however, is not Cutolo, who does not want to be exposed by hitting a journalist, but his lordly lieutenant, Enzo Casillo, anxious to gain visibility in the organization. Just over a year later, on November 29, 1981, Necco was shot three times in the legs at the exit of the restaurant where he went before each game. On his car is also found a note in neapolitan “Tu vuliv’ fa o criticone?”(did you want to make the critic?).