2001: A Space Odyssey #22 on the AFI Top 100 List ** 1/2

When the world is ruled by apes, one particular group discovers a mysterious rectangular monolith near their home, which imparts upon them the knowledge of tool use, and enables them to evolve into men. In the year 2001, a similar monolith is discovered on the moon, and is determined to have come from an area near Jupiter. Astronaut David Bowman, along with four companions, sets off for Jupiter on a spaceship controlled by HAL 9000, a revolutionary computer system that is every bit mankind's equal, and perhaps his superior. When HAL endangers the crew's lives for the sake of the mission, Bowman will have to first overcome the computer, then travel to the birthplace of the monolith, where whatever alien intelligence controls them decides that humanity is ready to take the next evolutionary step. I was really surprised that I liked this movie as much as I did. My expectations were low because it was a Sci-Fi film (not a huge fan of the genre) and a Kubrick film (not a HUGE Kubrick fan either). I had previously tried to watch this and only got about 5-10 minutes into it before turning it off. I'm glad I stuck with it this time because as I just mentioned, I did enjoy it. Great use of music and I loved the HAL 9000 system. However, I must admit, I didn't understand the first 10 minutes of the film (the apes) and probably the last 20?