Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
the coroner is reporting and says a technical medical term. Eckhart then says to Dormer (Pacino) what it means. Only, it wasn't telling his partner, it was telling us, as viewers. That's fine, but it can also be insulting. I didn't know what the technical term meant, but frankly, I didn't have to. ".
well, I'd say the coroner feels he has to explain Dormer the medical term, because Dormer (not unlike us) doesn't have to know it. In fact a cop doesn't necessarily know all autopsy-related terms, while it's true that he should be more familiar with them than the average viewers. In short, in my opinion it was a little didactic compromise. I wouldn't say that that bit was meant for "Hollywood feeded" audiences.

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
A girl's been murdered and that's that. Scandinavian Cinema (encompassing Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland) is much more subtle, down-to-earth, and, if I may throw in an adjective I don't really like to use if I can avoid it, "realistic".
That kind of cinema (as good as it is) can be extremely laconic. Sometimes it's so wordless that I doubt the adjective "realistic" really fits it.

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
I think it can be summed up by the name of the setting, to make it obvious enough: "Welcome to Nightmute."
well, Pacino's character's surname is obviuos enough too to describe (by contrast) the character itself. Being called "Dormer" is quite ironical for someone suffering from insommia, isn't it?

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
I'll definitely go back to it, though. I was reading an IMDb review the other day which complained about Robin Williams being a bad castign choice, and that whenever he was on screen the film became talkative (as if humans aren't allowed to talk, and as if talking is not allowed);
I bet the reviewer was Norvegian!!! I told you Scandinavians don't like words too much! Anyway, I liked this movie too and I want to rewatch it soon. Pacino and Williams are great. The movie deserves to be watched if only for that outstanding couple of actors.

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Hope this has elaborated.
Sure it has. As beautifully as ever. Thank you, Mick!

I don't want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people. I do misrepresent things. I don't tell the truth. I tell what ought to be truth (Blanche/A streetcar named desire)