2003, Park, Jap
1st time
Kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years, and set free under just as mysterious circumstances, a man goes on a mission of revenge, but gets more than he bargained for.
Stylistic theatrics distract from and only accentuate the far-fetched plot; but there is a message here all about the consequences of a care-free childhood, and the finale's twist adds a whole new complexity to the proceedings, which until that point seem all meat but no taste.

1972, Tarkovsky, USSR
1st time
A psychologist arrives at a space station orbiting a planet to find one of the crew dead and his wife, who has been dead for several years.
A difficult, slow-moving piece with unforgettable moments of hypnotic boldness: a long sequence in which the camera flying through tunnels and on the motorway, and a scene wherein two different characters seem to merge into one and recur as the camara pans round a room. Fascinating.


...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?