It makes me sick when i read what a few of you write on here. JOERUSSO WHERE do you get your information from. Do you write things just for people to write back to you because you are so far off it is sicking. Now i know some of you are going to say well newengland if you know the truth then tell us but i can not do that. What i can tell you is that if you know anything the word RUBBER LIPS came from two SCUMBAG RATS. [FRANKIE AND BOBBY AKA THE RAT BROTHERS] So when JOE RUSSO writes this about RAY JR he really is defending two SCUMBAG RATS. The other thing is when you choose to get in the game no matter what decision's you get good or bad you always fly straight. The other thing is if Vinny, Bobby C, or Ray Jr were sitting in front of YOU JOERUSSO or PMAC the both of you would not open your mouth unless you were told to. One last thing so you do know i am not some jerk off writing on here. RAY JR REAL NAME BACK THEN WAS ABRAHAM and you can take that to the bank.