And in THE DEVIL'S REJECTS, we learn why he has the name "Captain Spaulding".......

Anyway, I used the 3/$25 deal at BLOCKBUSTER and because of a nice bonus cache of money I received, I went for it.

KUNG FU HUSTLE - ***1/2 out of 5

Very amusing kung fu/comedy/crime/musical/Religious picture from the Land of the Dragon of China. Funny how some fight sequences were more amazing than the 200x more expensive MATRIX sequels.


Considering that I hated the previous Vince Vaughn/Ben Stiller collaboration in STARSKY & HUTCH(yeech!), I was surprised to find that I quite enjoyed this movie, or at least much more than I expected. Feels like an 80's formulaic comedy of sorts...hell, who did notice the GI JOE/COBRA joke through-out the picture? One of several consecutive financial hit films for Vince Vaughn...He's so Money!


Dammit, I remembered really enjoying the latest effort from PIXAR Studios back in theaters last year, and it did deserve the Best Animated Feature Oscar. However, my DVD from Blockbuster was damaged.

Damn you Cock-Buster!!!