According to Vinnie Teresa:
"That's the way things had been in the New England mob with Tameleo and Patriarca. There was a feeling of loyalty and responsibility to each other. No one in that mob failed to make money, that's why there was rarely any real trouble internally. If his men went to jail on a rap, no matter how long they were away for, it was the responsibility of the mob to take care of them. Even when Joe Barboza was in jail, before he made the mistake of threatening Patriarca, he got his $900 every week. The money was delivered to his wife just as though she was drawing a pension."

And here Murray Humphreys mentions that they were paying him $600 a month while he was locked up:

Humphreys and Gus Alex also discuss making financial arrangements for a guy about to go to prison:

I don't think it's really a case of hush money, just the right thing to do.