Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Pete, the system you're referring to was common in the Bell System in that era. When Area Codes started being assigned, the local phone company would designate any suburb, including near-in suburbs, with a different Area Code in order to classify a call from the city to the "suburb" as a long distance call, and charge LD rates. Even within a city with a single Area Code, the phone company might designate some neighborhoods that were "far" from the city center as being outside the unlimited monthly calling area.

Thanks, TB.

They have all these little TV channels now showing old shows, and it's not uncommon to hear a number given as Klondike 5-xxxx. That would be 555-xxxx, which would route to information if any idiot at home would dial it just to see where it went.

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."